D.C. BAR 2020 CONFERENCE 100 Years of the 19th Amendment D.C. BAR ANNUAL SIGNATURE EVENTS 6-7:30 pm Empire Ballroom Thursday, June 25, at the Omni Shoreham as part of the D.C. Bar 2020 Conference Join us for the Presidents Reception to honor incoming D.C. Bar President Geoffrey M. Klineberg and support the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center! The Pro Bono Center operates award-winning legal clinics and projects that serve more than 20,000 individuals, nonprofit organizations, and small businesses each year. Sponsorship opportunities are available from $250 to $25,000. For more information, visit www.dcbarconference.org/ Presidents_Reception.cfm or contact Connie Sinclair at csinclair@dcbar.org or (202) 780-2734. The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center is a tax-exempt charitable organization. The estimated fair market value of this event is $60 per person. Attend the Celebration of Leadership Dinner to witness the installation of incoming D.C. Bar President Geoffrey M. Klineberg and to show your support for the award-winning work of extraordinary D.C. Bar members! 7:30-9:30 pm Regency Ballroom For more information or to join the dinner Host Committee, visit www.dcbarconference.org/Celebration_of_Leadership.cfm or contact Verniesa R. Allen at vallen@dcbar.org or (202) 780-2802. » REGISTER NOW for the * 2020 CONFERENCE * PRESIDENTS RECEPTION * CELEBRATION OF LEADERSHIP Reserve your spot today! dcbarconference.orghttps://www.dcbarconference.org/Presidents_Reception.cfm https://www.dcbarconference.org/Presidents_Reception.cfm http://www.dcbarconference.org/Celebration_of_Leadership.cfm http://www.dcbarconference.org