CONTENTS DECEMBER 2017 | 22 VOLUME 32, NO. 4 05 YOUR VOICE 06 FROM OUR PRESIDENT 08 OUR MEMBERSHIP 0 9 CAREER & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 10 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT 12 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 14 GOVERNMENT & GAVEL 16 FEATURE 50 Years of Space Law: Time to Rewrite the Rules? 22 FEATURE 08 The Resurrection of Civics Class 26 FEATURE Privacy in the Digital Age: Realities of the Fourth Amendment 30 FEATURE AI and the Legal Workplace 34 MEMBER SPOTLIGHT 36 GLOBAL & DOMESTIC OUTLOOK 38 WORTH READING & MEDIA BYTES 40 ATTORNEY BRIEFS & ASK THE ETHICS EXPERTS 42 ASSOCIATES' ANGLE & DISCIPLINARY SUMMARIES 44 THE PRO BONO EFFECT 46 COMMUNITY & CONNECTIONS Cover: Paper Boat Creative/Stone/ Getty Images This page from top: Judge Hiram Puig-Lugo, courtesy of D.C. Courts; Jessica Markham, courtesy of Jessica Markham; AI Head, Gary Waters/Icon Images/Getty Images 48 LAST WORD 30